I never thought I’d write about the significance of Small Business Saturday. But this year I feel the urge. Not just for myself, but for the other small businesses that I’ve had the privilege to know that have struggled the last few years and even the ones that have taken off.
For the last 5 years, I’ve been a single mom, and for 3 of the 5 years I’ve done my business full time. For a short time, I got a full time job and did both full time. Let me tell you, I was always sick and always exhausted. Something always gave.
One day, God closed doors and demanded I go back to my business full time. (I won’t talk about the money loss and difficulties that were in between). He strongly reminded and encouraged me to dive in and TRUST IN HIM. Which at the time was scary. I already had lost so much, I have very little left I could afford to lose.
I will say, that I did as he asked. In total transparency, I did it with almost zero trust that the Lord would provide. Looking back on this blind faith with total hesitation, I can sense Jesus saying “I’ll take care of you Beloved.” He was accepting what I handed over and He was fully aware of my full blown hesitations. I didn’t hide it from Him.
This past year was completely unexpected. It was full of answers to prayers I genuinely never thought the Lord heard. From the depths of my soul, He said, “Beloved, I took care of everything.” And my amazement and reflection do not end there.
Owning a small business takes hard work. Owning a faith based business takes total trust. But most importantly, surrendering your business when times are most challenging… that is a level of trust that is challenging to explain.
This trust I speak of is the fact you know you are doing what the Lord is calling you to do, but you haven’t arrived to the fruits of your labors yet. This trust is hoping that the work you are creating to glorify Him, will be seen and valued by the right person it was intended for. This trust is blind, but appears in various glimmers of light that the Lord gifts through time.
So again, why is small business Saturday or shopping small so important? I can tell you that these people might be selling you an item that costs a little more than you want to spend. But the depths of the intention are limitless. I can also say, that they know each and every item sold and that you are impacting a family directly.
When I say directly, I can explain from experience. Again, I was a single mom, single income, and while I was blessed with the most supportive family a girl could ask for, I have little money wiggle room. Christmas is a stressful time of year for anyone when it came to finances. But for me, every blanket purchase would either allow me to fill my son’s Christmas stocking with useful fun items or the choice to spend money to fill it with underwear and socks. New items he needed, but not so desiring to open at the age of 3-5.
I can personally say, I can remember each item I make, because I put time, effort, money and prayers into creating it for you. When I speak to my small business friends, they tell me about the products that they LOVE but they don’t get the recognition out of for the time invested. They tell me about how they need a sale to go well so that they can financially be ok. Or how a good season changes their next year.
All in all, when I say shop small, I don’t just mean my business, I mean support any small business. Because their family depends, relies and invests in it.
I can say that, from experience.